Tricks & Treats - Doomsday
This is a play report on a homebrew system called Tricks & Treats as created by Dwiz from Knight at the Opera. While the system is not available for play, it was a great treat (pun intended) to play around Halloween.
The Stat Sheet
- Adventure: Downtown Doomsday
- System: Tricks & Treats
- GM: Dwiz
- Player Count: 6
- My Role: Player (Cordelia dressed as Denethor, Steward of Gondoer with a Kate Spade ketchup purse on one shoulder)
- Candy Acquired: Full size kit-kat, Hard butterscotch, Reese's Cups, and Warheads
- Personal Goal: Collect all 3 Boo-Buckets.
- Went through a haunted house at a church; Tore up some polticial signs; f the system
- Purchased some additional things at the dollar store to cause shenanigans
- Set off cherry bombs at a policital rally; Got arrested
- Found some weird rat evidence and dead people in the sewers/construction site in town
- Used rat poison to save the town (and also murder them all??)
The System
The game mechanics are broken into 15-minute scenes similar to Modiphius's 2d20 system. Playing this way allowed for easy note taking and is why The Brief is broken down in this way. The setting was the early 2000s and felt nostalgic in way that's similar to Kids on Bikes/Brooms.
The Brief
5:00 - 6:00 PM
5:00 PM – All Saints Church: Bug’s brother drops us off at All Saints Church. I threw a Holloway political sign in the parking lot. Threw a tomato at Dustin who was smoking in the back. Aidyn took his lighter.
5:15 PM - All Saints Church: Tried to sneak into the rectory, failed, broke some stained glass and ran away holding hands with Aidyn
5:30 PM – McDonald’s: Went to McDonald’s with the gang and swiped a white Boo-Bucket from Faith and Dylan.
5:45 PM – Craven Lounge: Watched Eric tell our teacher off
6:00 - 7:00 PM
6:00 PM – Trick or Treating to the Dollar Store: Gets an orange Boo-Bucket from the bank (was holding a potted plant); Thanks, Bug. Trick or Treated at the Pharmacy.
6:15 PM – Shopping at the Dollar Store: Hagen purchased an old person mask and some other supplies to frame Buster (his ex-best friend) for murder.
6:30 PM – Hitchcock Park: Snuck around the stage and found out that Holloway wasn’t there. The campaign staff is freaking out. Aidyn yelled, “Sniper!” and set off a cherry bomb. Pigs came to arrest him, but my Alpha got away.
7:00 - 8:00 PM
7:00 PM - Construction Site: Found Buster’s prank set up. Hit a remote controller that triggered music and slime on everyone in the park. Climbed down and encountered Buster. I shot him with a stink bomb, and Jessicha, Ben, and I escaped. Unfortunately, Ben got hit with the stink bomb, but that’s the price of justice.
7:15 PM – Sewage Tunnel: The three musketeers are gonna explore a sinkhole at the construction site to look for vampires. Jessicha wants to kill it, but I want to study it! Ben went first into the tunnel, because he’s the smelliest. We saw a bunch of barrels of coal ash filling the sewers.
7:30 PM – Sewage Tunnel/Pharmacy: Followed the candy wrappers in the sewage tunnel and found the pharmacy destroyed and like a bunch of stuff was stolen from there. No one was dead, so it couldn’t be vampires.
7:45 PM - Pharmacy: Trick or Treated our way to the parking garage to watch Russel shred in the parking garage. Stopped at the pizza place, and it was weird.
8:00 - 9:00 PM
8:00 PM – Parking Garage: Watched Russel wipeout and sprain his ankle. What a poser. Jessicha tried to faith heal him. I probably could have helped, being used to injuries like that in my sport.
8:15 PM – Cronenburg Stadium: On our way to the stadium, Aidyn sees a group of girls he was gonna meet up with to get his first K-I-S-S. They taunt him and call him the blob, running away. Aidyn howls at the moon, and it’s the loudest howl heard in all Eerie. There’s a fee to get into the stadium. BOO, YOU WHORE.
8:30 PM – Walking to Pest Control: Whoa, we see that the Craven Lounge has been ransacked and continues. See Edward who asks if our parents are registered to vote. Eric harasses him away.
8:45 PM – Pest Control: There’s a candy bowl, and we see a middle-aged woman giving out candy. We took some candy and left.
9:00 - 10:00
9:00 PM – Intersection of 15th Street and Hooker: We see a dead human body. It’s our teacher. We don’t really care, because he was a douche. A fight ensues with human-sized rats with red eyes. A fight ensues with giant rats. We caught our ride home. We’re stopped by a stampede of people fleeing the stadium. We reverse rolled up to pest control and laced all the candy we have with rat poison. A lot of people died, but we saved the town...?
The Takeaways
- The 15 minute increment of time kept everyone moving forward
- Playing as kids on Halloween was thematically really fun
- Collecting in candy in a small town allowed for interesting connections/backgrounds to be established
- Session went long given we needed to trick-or-treat until late and then resolve the module's mystery